Found a new painting today that I couldn't pass up. Very nicely rendered portrait of an Asian man with heavy impasto. Don't know anything about it yet other than that the artist was very good. It's about 10" x 12", and is signed Cho 66. I love finding good art! (click for larger image).
Update 2025! I spent a lot of time trying to figure out who the figure in this painting is. I found that by using the right google keywords, I could find VERY similar images. In fact, they were nearly identical except that none were executed as nicely as this. The strangest thing of all was that I went over to my neighbor's house one day, and saw one on his wall! I said, "Where did you get that? Do you know who it is?" They told me that they had painted it themselves but couldn't remember much else about it. I thought for sure it was a famous painting that people kept copying. Years pass, and today, I was just showing this painting to someone and mentioned that I had kept finding nearly identical images online. On a whim, I did a reverse image search for it and suddenly found the answer!! There is a book titled "Portraits in Oil" by Stella Mackie from the 1960's. This piece was one of the lessons in the book. That's why there are so many copies in existence!! I am adding pictures of the book. Well that only took 16 years... lol