Sunday, September 30, 2007
Jonni Future Page

Neal Adams Strange Adventures 208, Page 11

Neal Adams Strange Adventures 213, Page 06

This was the first piece of Neal Adams art I ever purchased. I developed a fondness for Neal's work on Deadman (Strange Adventures & Brave and the Bold) via the reprints done in the 1980's. As mentioned previously, I focus primarily on 1980's artwork, and even though these stories were originally published in the late 1960's, I only became aware of them much later on. (Pencils and inks Neal Adams. Click for larger image.)
Neal Adams Spectre

I happen to think that Neal Adams' best comic work was done immediately upon entering the comic book industry (1967?). Currently, I have four pages of art by Neal; three are from this period, and one from the early 70's. I think Neal's inking is better on the earlier stuff (although, the 1970's Batman page isn't too shabby either!), and really enjoy owning these pieces. (Pencils and inks Neal Adams. Click for larger image.)
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Art Adams Storm

Art Adams Jonni Future

Art Adams Batgirl

My CFA-APA Articles
About the CFA-APA
CFA-APA 62 The Chase (My John Byrne Fantastic Four Obsession)
CFA-APA 63 Humor Artists (Interview with Scott Williams Part I)
CFA-APA 64 Still Going Strong (Art Adams)
CFA-APA 65 Will Eisner (My Strip Art Collection)
CFA-APA 66 Artists of the Fantastic Four (More John Byrne FF!)
CFA-APA 67 Recreations: Threat or Menace? (My take on the subject)
CFA-APA 68 Gene Colan (My Shrinking Collection)
CFA-APA 69 Frank Miller (Miller's Prime Years)
CFA-APA 70 Alex Toth (Scott Williams Part II)
CFA-APA 71 International Artists (Neal Adams - yeah, I know...)
CFA-APA 72 Modern Good Girl Art (Franchesco! and other things)
Friday, September 28, 2007
Comic Art Collection by Title
Big Ben Bolt
Captain America
Dark Knight Returns
Elektra Assassin
Fantastic Four
Jonni Future
Killing Joke
On Stage
Rusty Riley
Strange Adventures
V for Vendetta
World's Finest
Fantastic Four 268, Page 17

Fantastic Four 268, Page 22

Cool end page featuring the She-Hulk, Human Torch, and a nice closeup of Mr. Fantastic. (Pencils and inks John Byrne. Click for larger image.)
Fantastic Four 268, Page 04

Thursday, September 27, 2007
Fantastic Four Pages

John Byrne Fantastic Four

Wednesday, September 26, 2007
CFA-APA 72 Modern Good Girl Art

CFA-APA 71 International Artists

CFA-APA 70 Alex Toth

Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Daredevil Born Again

Worlds Finest 260
Remember, remember the fifth of November...

CFA-APA 69 Frank Miller

CFA-APA 68 Gene Colan

CFA-APA 67 Recreations: Threat or Menace?

A Young Girl Reading

Frank Miller's Ronin

Alpha Flight 15
Elektra Assassin

Monday, September 24, 2007
The Piano Lesson

Phillip Tighe
The Killing Joke

Well, a prelim may be as close as I get to owning a Killing Joke page, prices being what they are these days, so I'll have to contend myself with this. I'd heard from a fellow collector that Brian Bolland did multiple prelims per page. I got to ask Bolland directly at San Diego Comicon 2006 about his working process, and he confirmed that he only did one version per page (as shown above), and used a projector to transfer the image to the final art board. I also got him to sign a couple of pieces for me. (Brian Bolland pencils. Click for larger image.)
Sed quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Friday, September 21, 2007
Neal Adams The Batman

SOLD!! JULY 2013
Art Adams Powergirl

CFA-APA 66 Artists of the Fantastic Four

CFA-APA 65 Will Eisner

Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Home in the 70's

Fruit Bowl, Glass, and Apples

CFA-APA 63 Humor Artists

The Dark Knight Returns

There’s an interesting bit of subtext that is going on in this page as well. I don’t know if it was Miller’s intent or just my interpretation, but it seems he's portraying Gordon as a manipulator of sorts. Gordon has sensed that Bruce wants to resume the role of Batman and, in a very underhanded way, tries to keep him in check by subtly reminding him of the tragic fate of Jason (the last Robin), and of his estrangement with Dick (original Robin). When Gordon asks “Spoken to Dick lately?” Bruce replies “Not for seven years, Jim. You know that.” (emphasis mine).
From an artistic perspective, this page struck a nerve with me the first time I read it and long before I knew anything about owning original art. I recall being a young artist back in 1986, and marveling at the delicacy of the two hands in the first panel, and also being intrigued by the lighting of the faces in the next three. Klaus Janson’s inks on this page are him at his finest and that really matters to me. Rumor has it that Janson fell behind on the inking chores and, by book three, had recruited assistants to help him (surprisingly, Todd McFarlane has reported that he was one of those assistants). Any cursory analysis of the art clearly shows a change in style after book two. I’m of the opinion that books one and two have far superior inks and have a strong preference for those pages, which is why it was such a thrill for me to be able to obtain this one (Frank Miller pencils, Klaus Janson inks.)
Found this video on youtube which discusses Miller's Dark Knight. Pay attention and you will see this page (just after the one minute mark).
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Mama's Needlepoints

"Smell" : the Lady is making a flower chain. Behind her, the monkey once again provides the key to this allegory: he is inhaling the perfume of a rose he stole from her basket.
This Old House

CFA-APA 62 - The Chase

My first article for the CFA-APA was published in issue 62. You can read my submission by clicking on the image.
I am a HUGE John Byrne fan but...

Monday, September 17, 2007
I joined the group in March of 2004 with issue 62 and have made contributions to eleven consecutive issues to date. Since each article is copyrighted by their respective author, I cannot reproduce them here. I will however, be uploading my contribution for each issue shortly so that you can see why the word amateur is in the organization's title.
Click here for the list of articles.

Now that I've got your attention... I am an avid collector of original comic art. While I enjoy nearly all genres of the hobby, my primary focus is on books from the 1980's. My short want list:
The Dark Knight Returns
The Killing Joke
I'm also looking for John Byrne Fantastic Four and Alpha Flight art. If you have art from any of these books, please contact me! I also love talking to other collectors about art - so feel free to shoot me an email. I look forward to hearing from you! (click image above to email me)
Why I Went To The Woods....er... World Wide Web
Walden or Life in the Woods
- Henry David Thoreau (1817 – 1862)
Hello! Welcome to the first entry in my very first blog! Why blog, you ask? Why me? Well, my intentions are probably not as noble as Thoreau's (and I'm certainly not going to be as eloquent), but I thought it would be a good place to organize and share some of my interests with family, friends, and yes, complete strangers. So, take a look around, leave comments if you are so inclined, and drop me a line if you're up to it. "Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship"...